DESPERATELY been beaten with a Sota here as the reason being after being beaten severely with that one gets tougher and also sometimes wants more of that really. DESPERATE is the right word to be here as one behaves naughty at times doesnt want to obey the rules to teach the same they purpose do mistakes just to be beaten very severely with the wooden stick(Sota) as mentioned above. The mistakes could be anywhere between small to very large well just to repeat them wooden stick (Sota) is repeatedly used on habitual offenders here really well mistakes committed on purpose surely deserves the Sota treatemtn as most such cases teachers the police officials use it maximum. Sota could be anywhere between smaller to 12mm thick and half foot long (length) as the picture above mentioned now you say which one would you like the thin wooden stick or the thicker one Sota?
BEATING done severely with a Sota sets you obeying rules for the next 9 months if not more as its a deterrent for not committing mistakes really. Desperate for a beating with the Sota always there welcome anytime when ever mistakes committed on purpose be ready for a nicve dose of the Sota been used on your soles of your feet directly injuring them unable to walk for 10 to 15 days that hard dose of the Sota really hurts if used maximum strength. I have written this Blog because I want to be beaten with the same at the earliest if possible who will do this now its the main question? as my mother or my girlfriend or my Boss in a compoany where am employed to use it.
DESERATELY want a beating with the Sota well you can have it you made one mistake harassing a woman unnecessarily now be ready for the ultimate dose of the Sota being used on you in the lock-up. They will widen your legs apart then shove it inside your hole also backside also do that after beating you up severely. Well this is some dose here for Desperately asking for the same.
ASKING for trtouble means a hard dose of Sota really do something wrong be physically punished by that Sota I meant what else so my blog says be Desperate to be beaten with it I love the hitting noise also I might get hardy or tougher after been beaten.
yes definately I want to be beaten with the Sota lets see how much discipline or torture I can take how much become more tougher here really hey my wrong doing could land me with the correct 3 Hrs dose of Sota beating yes lets do something wrong tease a girl or steal something then get ready for the bigger dose of our lives the Sota dose.
ReplyDeleteYes something wrong must be done eve teasing or harassing someone over the phone then get ourselves beaten with a Sota right way to begin.